Democrats Push to Open Obamacare for Illegal Aliens!
Fellow Conservative,
Do you think that illegal aliens should be given Obamacare?
Well, the short answer is NO because the Affordable Care Act explicitly forbids it.
This was a part of the “compromise” that the Left put into the law to appease so-called Blue Dog Democrats. There is a statutory prohibition on giving illegals access to Obamacare
Now the Obama Administration is calling for more healthcare reform. Yet, instead of listening to the vast majority of Americans who want the law repealed and replaced, the White House is trying to amend the law to allow illegal aliens to qualify for free healthcare!
This isn’t a drill, folks. The Left is pushing for this hard and a re-write could be part of the illegal alien executive order announcement Obama has planned for next week!
We’re hearing it all across the Left. They’re saying that it “isn’t fair” that illegal immigrants aren’t allowed to join the Obama care exchange…
Well, do you know what’s unfair?! It’s unfair to ask WE the PEOPLE to foot the bill for this just so Democrats can pander to their base.
Did you hear what one of Obamacare’s chief architects said? Jonathan Gruber said this week that the administration took advantage of Americans’ stupidity to get the healthcare law passed. He admitted on tape multiple times that the health reform law only passed through Congress because of the “stupidity of the American voter” and a “lack of transparency” over its funding mechanisms.
They’re actually celebrating tricking Americans into paying more for their health insurance!
But they’re not done… No, the Democrats aren’t done. They won’t quit until they have every hard working American subsidizing these illegal aliens’ existences!
You’re not stupid. You can see through the left’s amnesty scheme.
We don’t have a time machine. We can’t go back in time and stop the Democrats from lying to the American people and passing Obamacare. We’re going to repeal this law when the Republicans take back the Senate in January.
But we simply can’t afford to wait that long. Right now, we have the power to STOP the administration from allowing illegal aliens to get Obamacare and we MUST raise our voices now!
The Left is pushing hard to give illegal immigrants the right to leech off the taxpayers and get Obamacare for free. And if the Democrats can cement Obamacare as an entitlement for illegal aliens, it will be that much harder to repeal it!
Illegals DON’T have a right to be here and they definitely DON’T have a right to leech off American taxpayers.
Democrats are pushing forward with plans to alter Obamacare to open the doors for illegal alien enrollment. If they do this, there will be revolution. Mark my words. If they turn on the American people like this, there will be serious problems.
This leftist scheme must be stopped but the only way that will happen is if we all raise our voices in unison and demand it!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily
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Democrats Push to Open Obamacare for Illegal Aliens!
Fellow Conservative, Do you think that illegal aliens should be given Obamacare? […]
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